"Tabby" was a tiny homeless kitten when we found him meowing outside our home one morning in June 2009. He grew up into a fun and entertaining personality who could bring a smile to anyone's face with his tricks and feline fun.
Tabby was truly a one-of-a-kind feline, who brought an incredible dimension to our home. He was the center of attention at home, being intelligent, strong-willed, independent and feisty. Tabby’s life story is unique, though it was very short. He came to us as an abandoned kitten, lived a gracious life with lots of love, care and comforts, made an impact on many to remember him forever, he was a star on the Facebook to receive hundreds of “likes and comments” on his funny videos and photographs. Finally he is resting today in a quiet corner of a courtyard at famous "Number 11".
END OF JOYFUL THREE YEARS - 31st December 2013
This is the most saddest day in my life; three years of joy ended this morning. Tabby left us while warded at the Pet Vet Clinic, Colombo 7, taking treatment for chronic kidney disease. Doctors at the PetVet Clinic did their best to save Tabby's life but after a 3 days battle, he is now gone.
"My world stopped when the doctors said you have a life threatening kidney problem. If I had known this at the early stage, I would have spent my life savings to save you, but it was too late. Your last two days with us was very painful. You were just lying on the cushion, we were up with you all night long not leaving you alone, you responded to us very weakly every time we talk to you. I remember your sad eyes, you wanted to tell me that you are going to fall into the final sleep soon. My prayers, my tears could not stop your good bye to me. You were loved by many; my facebook was filled with get-well soon messages for you. You are now peacefully resting in a quiet corner of a court yard at "Number 11", the famous Archt. Geoffrey Bawa's home. This is the best place for you to rest my little boy, you are just outside my office and I can still keep an eye on you. Forever, we will cherish the furry memories of you. You were much more than a feline to us. BB and I miss you so much darling "Tabby" . You left a great void in our lives. Rest in peace my little boy may be until we meet again some day on the other side of the "Rainbow Bridge".